Pride Panthers
topSoccer Program

Pride Panthers – TOPSoccer


Pride Soccer and the UCCS Women’s Team are thrilled to announce our continuing partnership to coach the TOPSoccer program this Spring! All sessions will be at UCCS Mountain Lion Stadium (artificial turf field), 5225 N. Nevada Ave, and will take place at the following dates and times:

Session 1 – Saturday, April 5th – 3-4pm UCCS – Mountain Lion Stadium
Session 2 – Saturday, April 12th – 1-2pm UCCS – Mountain Lion Stadium
Session 3 – Saturday, April 19th – 1-2pm – Cottonwood Creek Park
Session 4 – Sunday, April 27th – 1-2pm UCCS – Mountain Lion Stadium
Session 5 – Saturday, May 10th – 1-2pm UCCS – Mountain Lion Stadium

Session 6 – Saturday, May 17th- 1-2pm UCCS – Mountain Lion Stadium

TOPS Panthers is a program created by the Pride Soccer Club to teach athletes with Special Needs about the most popular sport in the world, SOCCER! Each practice is specifically designed for the enjoyment, safety, education, and success of Special Needs Athletes in Colorado Springs. Each session will introduce TOPS Panthers Soccer Players and UCCS Players from our community. By bringing these teams together, TOPS Panther Soccer will provide individual training and attention to each Panther Player. It also gives College Players the chance to share their knowledge and make a difference in their community. If you or your team would like to volunteer to be a part of this new program, please email

Registration is free. To register a player, go into your existing account at or create one and then sign up for the sessions.