doing what’s right for kids


Pride is a non-profit soccer club located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. We raise the level of soccer in our local community by providing youth players with a quality experience in a safe, positive and challenging environment. We instill a sense of opportunity, confidence, and teamwork by offering fundamentals through advanced training to further the development of each player.

The Association is devoted to doing what’s right for kids.


PRIDE Soccer Club was formed largely through the efforts of its four original founders – dedicated parents who saw the increasing popularity of the sport of soccer, the rapid increase in the number of participants in Southern Colorado, and the need for a high quality organization to coordinate and supervise a family oriented soccer program.

In June 1994, the El Paso PRIDE Soccer Association was incorporated in the state of Colorado. During its first year, PRIDE Soccer Club coordinated 45 teams with 430 children participating in its organized soccer programs. Today, PRIDE Soccer Club is one of the largest youth soccer clubs in the state of Colorado with approximately 4800 players on over 350 teams.


Pride Soccer Club, as a member of Colorado Youth Soccer (CYS) and US Youth Soccer, adopted the KidSafe Program to promote the health, safety, and protection of youth soccer players. These programs support US Soccer Federation’s Rule 4044, which mandates risk management programs within each National State Association.

About Pride Soccer Club

PRIDE Soccer Club serves youth players ages 4 through 19 by offering Recreational (U4-U14), Intermediate (U9-U10), Junior Academy (U9-U10), and Competitive (U11-U19) soccer programs. Recreational teams are formed by school or geographic area. Junior Academy and Competitive teams are formed through a placement process to ensure that players are placed according to their ability levels.

Each program is mapped out in greater detail under ‘PROGRAMS’ at the top. Find the right program for you here.

PRIDE Soccer Club is CSA, USYSA, USSF, USL and FIFA affiliated.

United Soccer Coaches, USSF State and Regional licenses are available to all coaches.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact PRIDE Soccer with any questions you might have.
Office hours are Tuesday – Friday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.