Transition to Competitive Soccer
tryout faqs

Here are some answers to common questions regarding tryouts for competitive soccer at Pride. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions, comments or concerns.  Registration for tryouts will open soon.  Stay tuned for details!

What will the format of the Tryout look like?

We’ll do a combination of technical exercises, small-sided games and full-field scrimmages in order to determine the technical ability of all of the players and suitability for 7v7, 9v9, and 11v11 format.

How will the players be evaluated?

We look at the 4 pillars of a player. Technical capability, tactical acumen, psychological make-up and physical abilities. Are players being creative and positive in their play and reacting to the game? Ultimately, we want to see if players are comfortable on the ball and if they make good decisions on the field.


How will the players be grouped?

Obviously, we will need to divide the players up into groups and there will be significant movement from group to group during the 3 days of tryouts. Just because a player is moved to a different group does not necessarily mean that is where they will end up or that it is a positive or negative statement about their performance. Players will wear numbers which relate to the order in which they register for the tryout.



Do the players need to be at all 3 nights of the Tryout?

Ideally, yes. While we evaluate players as much as possible throughout the year, the coaches need to make comparisons in our own controlled environment. There are also a number of players new to the club who come to tryouts every year. Players will be selected on merit and not necessarily according to where they have played previously. If your child can only make it to one night or not at all, please contact the appropriate Director listed below.


Is there really any need for a Tryout?

Yes! While we evaluate players as much as possible throughout the year, whether in Academy training, Intermediate sessions or in weekend games, including Recreational games, and feedback from current coaches we need to make comparisons in our own controlled environment. There are also typically a number of new players who we have not seen before who come to try-out every year. Players will be selected entirely on merit and not according to where they have played previously, whether at Pride or another environment or whether from our Academy system or Recreational soccer.


Is it important that I attend the pre-Tryout Kick Around?

Yes. The more that we are able to see your child perform, the better. A lot of pressure can be placed on players in a Tryout situation, especially when it is a new experience for them. We hope to be able to see the true ability of each player over an extended period.

Information around Kickarounds will be released on email, social media, and the website. 


When will the teams be formed and when should I expect a phone call?

While it is a 3 day Tryout, we will form our rosters as soon as possible during the process so that everyone receives a phone call in a timely fashion. Obviously, the second and third teams can’t be formed until the first team has been confirmed and so we will go in order and aim to complete the process by the end of the week.


Do I have to accept the offer of placement and how long do I have to decide?

We appreciate that this can be a stressful time and also that families need some time to make a decision. We will place each child in what we deem to be the most appropriate environment for their development and for them to reach their full potential. We hope that all players will be able to accept or decline their offer immediately but ultimately you have 24 hours to decide. We will provide all of the team information so that players and parents will be informed and hopefully prepared to make a final decision no matter what team is offered.


Parental Involvement at the Tryouts

Parents will be asked to sit away from the field during the Tryouts. We will not have parents sit by the side of the field as we need to be able to communicate directly with the players without them being distracted.

How do Pride’s teams differ?

We will form as many competitive teams as we are able to and those teams will be placed by the State Association based on our recommendations and our past history in competition. There are multiple divisions within Colorado, all of which will require travel to home and away games within the state on weekends. Teams will also play in some local tournaments during their first year of competitive play. Our top team potentially travels to one out of state event in the Spring of their U11 year. Teams train three times per week during the fall and spring seasons. In addition, there is typically indoor training and involvement in Pride’s indoor futsal league in the winter. Commitment to each team is expected and set by the coach immediately following tryouts. Team disclosure forms will go out at the tryout so that everyone is aware of the time and monetary commitment prior to accepting a spot.


How many players will there be on each roster?

Roster sizes differ from team to team as we seek to find the most appropriate spot for each player. We want to ensure adequate playing time for all players so that they can develop so do not fill each roster to its maximum. Rosters at U11 and U12 will be around 12-13 with some exceptions. Unless otherwise communicated, all of our teams will play the 9v9 format at U11 and U12 before transitioning to 11v11 soccer.

Can my child play multiple sports?

Yes!!! It is common question if Pride players can have multiple commitments or play several sports. We have world class dual sport athletes on some of our teams at every age and level at the moment. The competitive teams require great commitment, but we feel that well-rounded athletes can contribute significantly to our program and we will not discourage players from sampling what is out there. Players and parents alike should simply communicate with the coach ahead of time and work together to ensure a positive experience for all concerned. The same goes obviously for school and extra-curricular activities.


What should I do next?

Register for the Tryout at and come to our pre-Tryout Kick Around (Date TBD). If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to contact AJ Adcock (U11-14 Girls Director of Coaching) or Brian Contreras (U9-14 Boys Director of Coaching).
Competitive Tryouts will be at the Pride Complex (Boys) and El Pomar (Girls) on May 28, 29 & 30, 2024. For specific dates and times, see the tryouts schedule.  For Junior Academy, ECNL-RL Girls, or the High School Boys age groups, see those respective program pages.


Contact Us

If you have any questions, please send us an email or give us a call.

Dan ferguson

Director of Coaching, U11-14 Girls

Brian Contreras

Director of Coaching, U9-12 Boys